Epping North Public School

Respect, Responsibility, Resilience

Telephone02 9876 5254


Extra curricular activities

Public speaking

Debating teams and activities are organised and coached by class teachers. Teams compete in debating competitions held at local schools. Students also are given opportunities to compete in local public speaking competitions.


The training, concert and senior bands rehearse before school. Students also attend 20 to 30 minute tutorials once a week held after school as private lessons. Students may hire instruments from the school. The bands perform at functions at school and at local festivals. Parents are expected to assist with band supervision duty once a term and transporting equipment. Costs are $350 to $400 a term. For more information, please refer to our Epping North Public School band website.


Dance groups are available for students in Years 1 to 6. There are boys, girls and mixed groups. Rehearsals are before school. They perform at school functions and external festivals and concerts. Parents are expected to assist with dance class supervision once or twice a year and occasionally at performances. Costs are $45 to $55 per term.


Vocal enrichment groups (senior vegemites, junior vegemites and vegemites) are run by teachers at lunch times or within school time. These groups perform at choral festivals and special school events.


Vocal enrichment groups (senior vegemites, junior vegemites and vegemites) are run by teachers at lunch times or within school time. These groups perform at choral festivals and special school events.